Saturday, September 29, 2007

Busy Eagles' Weekend Homework

Hi there Eagles!  For your task this weekend, come up with at least 5 student questions regarding our unit on 'Government'.  Use your ideas from the mind map and make sure you use these key concepts in coming up with your own questions;
a.  Connection
b.  Change
c.  Responsibility
d.  Function
Focus your questions on these 4 key concepts and really think of interesting questions to research about in this unit.  These questions will surely drive the inquiry if they are well-thought of, interesting and meaningful.  You may write your questions on a paperline and pass it on Monday.  If possible, write the key concept beside your question. 
In addition to this, start browsing resources for the unit on 'Government'.  Each student shall recommend or suggest 1 website for students to visit and get information from.  We will evaluate the usefulness of the websites and include them in our website bank if they are really good for this unit's use.  Where will you write the URL or website you've found?  Paste it with your comment in this post.  Use the search engines I have suggested.  They are in the right column of this page (,,,, etc.)  Do not limit your browsing to google and yahoo only.
In English, you need to find at least 3 written advertisements from any source (Magazines, newspaper, brochures, etc.).  These advertisements should not only have graphics or illustrations but also words, phrases, sentences or even paragraphs that we can analyze in our unit on 'Writing to Inform'.  Remember that we need to study the features of advertisements before we can start writing our own information report.  This will be in addition to our analysis of the information report on 'Written Communication'.  Pass the 3 advertisements on Monday. 

Goodluck to all of you and see you all on Monday!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Midterm Exam

Grade 4P's Midterm Schedule

September 25- 28, 2007




Sept. 25


Sept. 26


Sept. 27


Sept. 28


8:00- 8:40


(Part 1)



(Part 2)



8:40- 9:20


(Part 1)



(Part 2)



9:40- 10:20






10:20- 11:00





11:00- 11:40

Bahasa Indonesia





12:20- 1:40






1:00- 1:40






1:40- 2:20






2:20- 3:00






Note:   There will still be regular classes during the exam. 

Exams will be taken during the subject time.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Trivia: Guess what!

Can anyone tell me what this picture is all about? This building is very popular to many people in various parts of the world.

Our 2nd Unit of Inquiry

As I've mentioned earlier in class, we are now moving on to another unit entitled GOVERNMENT. We haven't really moved away from the first unit 'Rights and Responsibilities' since this is closely connected to the Unit of Inquiry on 'Government'.

For your information, details on this unit are provided below;

Organizing theme: How we organize ourselves
Title: Government
Focus: History, Society

Central Idea: Over time, societies have developed a variety of governmental systems with the aim of benefiting and protecting the interests of its citizens.

An Inquiry into:
• Different models of government and their origins
• Systems within government
• Rights and responsibilities of citizens
• How governments change

Knowing the central idea and lines of inquiry in this unit will help you study in advance. Your exploration may be more in-depth depending on your individual research since you are encouraged to do a lot of reading and research in this unit.

For your resources, you may refer to my folder in this URL or through this link;

This is an online bank for websites bookmarked or websites kept in folders for easy access. Remember, you cannot memorize all websites or URLs so you have to bookmark them. One way of doing it is trhough the ikeepbookmarks. Visit my folder on 'Political systems' and there you can see recommended websites for kids. Try to be an agent and a detective by joining the CIA and FBI's pool of agents.

What is government?

Have you ever wondered what the word 'government' means? Does this word sound strange or familiar to you? Well, as we move on with our next unit of inquiry,it is important for us to know what government means. All you have to do right now is ask your parents or any adult to explain to you about this word. Don't bother looking into the dictionary yet because it's too techinical. We want a definition which came directly from people who experienced living in a system where government exists. Goodluck on your word quest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Baby Shopping

Hi there smart Eagles! Last week, we've read an article about 'Baby Shopping'. This is in relation to our Unit of Inquiry on 'Human Rights and Responsibilities'. Since we are studying about the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child, we have identified some problems in Indonesia and other parts of the world. We found out that many children suffer from human rights abuses. One of which is selling babies or baby shopping. After re-reading the article, suggest things that you can do to protect the rights of children so that this problem will at least be prevented from happening over and over again. Remember that your suggestions should be something; achievable, possible, and realistic. Leave your response as a comment here. Share as many ideas as you can. If possible, relate it to your experience / based on what you've seen, read or watched from the TV or movies.