Wednesday, June 13, 2007

OUr class symbol

This will be our class symbol. This symbolizes friendship and brotherhood since we belong to one family, the Eagles family. What do you think? Any suggestions?


shanty said...

Dear Mr.Perico I would like to thank you for naming our class Eagles.

ari said...

I suggest that the symbol is usefull

Hazell said...

I suggest that the symbol is perfect.Thank you for the class
symbol 'Class Eagles'.

Vincent said...

I like to use sign so it is more easier.

Eugene said...

I like it because eagle is the strong animal that can fly very high my dream is to fly!

Irene said...

I think that symol is friendship/peace.

pierre_pineda said...

Your comments are really good. It shows how you value things that happen around us. Yeah, I agree that our symbol should be something meaningful. Eagle is great because it's there in our logo. Our class symbol symbolizes friendship and brotherhood so it matches with the IB profiles.

angela yovita lillo said...

Dear Mr Perico,
I fell proud to be part of Eagle Familly,because eagle is symbol of strengthen,strong.I hope our eagle familly will be one team:strong and never give up like eagle flying high...

Unknown said...

Dear Mr Perico
I'm proud of our class and you too,
I like our class symbol and it's nice too.Thank you for everything.


Cassandra Stephanie said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

I suggest that the one that you give the class is so briliant and i think thats the good symbol in the class and it shows us to be an indenpendent children.i look happy today because i feel that is my logo sign to go to the right place not the wrong way.

Date: 24 Sept 2007
Time: 7:30

pierre_pineda said...

Isn't it nice to feel proud that we belong to the eagles family? Yes, I agree with you..... eagles are independent and they are responsible too. That's who we are! Great discussions going on here. Have you read some backgrounf information about eagles? Don't you know that in the Philippines, there is what we call the Philippine Eagle? It is one of the most admired animals because of its strength and character. It is also the national bird of the Philippines. According to, the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi- its scientific name) is one of the rarest, largest and most powerful birds in the world. This bird of prey, or raptor, belongs to the family Accipitridae. It is also known as Haribon or Haring Ibon, meaning "Bird King." No wonder, it flies up in the sky with pride and integrity. How I wish I can fly like this bird. Aim high eagles! Aim high, dream high, fly high!