Monday, September 24, 2007

What is government?

Have you ever wondered what the word 'government' means? Does this word sound strange or familiar to you? Well, as we move on with our next unit of inquiry,it is important for us to know what government means. All you have to do right now is ask your parents or any adult to explain to you about this word. Don't bother looking into the dictionary yet because it's too techinical. We want a definition which came directly from people who experienced living in a system where government exists. Goodluck on your word quest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

government is a some kind of project to make world peace and they help people that need help.

Anonymous said...

goverment is people that help poor people it is also a project.

Vincent said...

Dear Mr.Perico,
I learned that children has no right to be abused or sell drugs.And be killed.The children also has responsibilities such as study hard,so that it would help their countries.It could be a part of their good future.The government must care about the children because if they don't
they will suffer such as these problems like homeless,hunger.taking drugs and etc.The children rights and responsibilities are the responsibilities of the government.The government must not only care about their own life but the childrens too,to have a better future for them.

Date:10 Sept 07
Time:3:00 PM

Unknown said...

Dear Mr Perico, government is a person who gives rights and responsibilities to everyone

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico
Date:24 sept 07
Time:After school
My parent say government is come from citizen.Citizen choose the goverment because if they didn"t have any government there will be no privacy,right and etc.
If thre is government thre will be having privacy,rightand etc and the police will check it out if someone steal things and sells drug around the world and killed other people because that is a crime and government also cannot do it to and citizen.Government system is important because if there is no government system there will be no buldings,house,hotel and apartement.

Vincent said...

Dear Mr.Perico
Date:24 sept 07
Time:After school
My parent say government is come from citizen.Citizen choose the goverment because if they didn"t have any government there will be no privacy,right and etc.
If thre is government thre will be having privacy,rightand etc and the police will check it out if someone steal things and sells drug around the world and killed other people because that is a crime and government also cannot do it to and citizen.Government system is important because if there is no government system there will be no buldings,house,hotel and apartement.

Unknown said...

Dear Mr Perico I suggest government is a person who gives rights and responsibilities to everyone.


angela said...


Govenment is a leader in a country who protects people from bad things.Government must not be rude but help poor people indeed.

Cassandra Stephanie said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

I suggest that government is the one protect the children and all of the people in the citizens.

insan abdulrahim said...

goverment is a group of people that create rule...
goverment is a group of people for protect our country...

insan said...


goverment is a group of people that create rules &n protect our ncountry....

Cassandra Stephanie said...

Dear Mr. Perico,

I would like to tell you that government is the system that undertake the authority and dominance regulate social life, economy and political of state or the segments.
Government is also the one who protects everyone.

Thank You!

pierre_pineda said...

Hi! I think some of you mentioned ideas related to the real definition of the word 'Government'. My question is, 'Does government refer to a person or a group of people working together for the country?' I'm actually confused with some of your definitions because others are saying that 'Government is a person'.

My other question is 'Is government a leader?' or shall we say 'There is a leader in a government' or 'Leaders are needed to make the government work'.

Try to make your statements clear.

In posting your opinion, perhaps you can say 'I think government is..........' or 'I think government means......' not 'I suggest that the government means....... ' because you are not making a suggestion. You are expressing an opinion or you are just mentioning your idea.

Hmmmmm... we've got a lot of things going on in here...... hope to hear more from you Eagles!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico

I think government is not a person it is a organization.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico Cute

I think that government is not a person but it has a leader.
