Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The North Star

OK, here's a chance for you to tell me what you think about the story 'The North Star'. In your reflection, try to comment on the following;
a. What is interesting and puzzling about the story?
b. What attitudes and profiles did you see in the child?
c. What do you think is the child's next journey?
d. Plus anything you want to reflect on. Provide details in your reflection. Remember: you are expected to expand your ideas in Grade 4.

Would you like to read the story again? Visit Fable Vission.com and you'll see lots of wonderful stories there. In the link provided below, you will enter the world of Peter Reynolds through his book. In this site, you will also learn more about the author, kids letters, and kids testimonials (these are kids' reflections from around the world). It's great to explore this site before making your reflection. What's amazing in the link provided below is you can also read the story in Spanish if you know the language. So what are you waiting for? click me now.....



Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Perico, the interesting and puzzling about the story is about the
little boy following the path.

The attitudes of the boy is good because he helps the rabbit when the rabbit is sinking.

I think the child's next journey is the same with his first journey but it's more interesting and more fun.

I love the book and the little boy is good, if I was the boy I want to go to a fun journey.

By: Kennedy
Date: 2 October 2007
Time: 2:11pm

Vincent said...

Dear: Mr.Perico
From: Vincent
This is my reflection!!!

I like North Star because the story is connect to our Unit of human right. I think if I am him, I will do the same thing safe people! I like to help because that is a PYP attitude. His s attitude is nice because he is caring and nice. I think the next journey of that child is going to a city it is cool, I like it to go to a city
Like Singapore and etc.I like to reflect North Star story because it is easy. It is fun to make a reflection about it. I like it. It is cool and making my mind confuse.
I like to be confused like that child because it makes my mind thinks so much!!!I am exited about that movie it is so whatever. That movie is also entertaining me I am also like to go to a journey like this because that’s my dream world. I like dream world so much because that is an imagination it is nice and I like it so much. I like the cool puzzling story because it is puzzle around. I like a puzzle story because it is cool.

Rizqi said...

Dear Mr. Perico,

The interesting and puzzling about the story is following the path until he follows the
Star until the hill because it is interesting.

The attitude of the boy is very good because when he see the rabbit is stuck in the water then he help the rabbit.

I think the child next journey is in the ocean because I think later the boat sink then he go to the ocean.

I like this book because it gives me knowledge to help each other when they are in danger and stuck.

I like the story because it gives me an idea to make the cover of the Unit of Inquiry on The Child’s Rights and Responsibilities.

In this story there is an easy and hard ways to continue the journey.

In this story we also have to follow directions because I f you don’t follow direction you will be lost.

In this story I also learned that I know how to make an intelligent question like in the story. “Where do you want to go?”

I found out that there are 3 characters in the story.

This story “The North Star” is good because it makes us smart.

I know that in the story there are 2 characters Like the Boy and the Girl.

I know that there are 2 languages in the story.

Name: Rizqi

Irene Jurnali said...

Dear Mr Perico, the puzzling was interesting because the boy was following and he is a risk taker because he do his own way.

The boy attitudes was good because he helps each other.

I think the next journey he will go to another place that he could find out and discovered.

I like this book because it is about a little boy.If i'm the boy I will make some boat to move on the river.And when I saw the leaf floating I could imagine if that is a boat.And also I will help those people who needs help and I want to nkow the rabbit too.