Saturday, November 3, 2007

Spelling Words and Spelling Practice Sheet

Hi there Eagles! I've tried uploading the jpeg file or picture
(Spelling words and Spelling Practice Sheet) that you're supposed to
work on this weekend but when I tried to print it out myself after
downloading the files, they are too small and not too clear. Due to
this, I decided to give it on Monday since the spelling practice in
class will be on Thursday anyway so don't worry about this. In the
meantime, I am hoping that you are preparing for your other homework
which will be passed on Monday.

Enjoy your weekend!

November 7,2007
Newsflash..... I got it sorted out... Get the hard copy!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Perico,
I did my home work that weblite you told us to search for is preety good for and I want to learn more.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico

Our homework is supposed to gave on Monday but if some of the eagles where forgot the gave the homework on monday? So what is the consequence for the eagles who didn't bring the spelling words and the spelling practice sheets?and thank you for reading my comment..................have a nice sleeping day.............I wish that you could answer my comment/question............Bye and see you............