Monday, March 17, 2008

4P Eagles' Scrapbook on 'Changes'

Here's your link for the class scrapbook on 'Changes'. Make sure that you use the resources wisely.


Nest said...

Hi Mr.Perico!

When I went there, I open the website and click 'Take a quiz'. Then, when it's open, I choose 'Online ... Physical and Chemical change. So when I play first time, it's so confused because the question is so hard! But when I try, I got it! In that quiz, i got 6/10.

Bye Mr.Perico!

Nest said...

Hi Mr.Perico!

When I went there, I open the website and click 'Take a quiz'. Then, when it's open, I choose 'Online ... Physical and Chemical change. So when I play first time, it's so confused because the question is so hard! But when I try, I got it! In that quiz, i got 6/10.

Bye Mr.Perico!

Nest said...

Hi Mr.Perico!

When I went there, I open the website and click 'Take a quiz'. Then, when it's open, I choose 'Online ... Physical and Chemical change. So when I play first time, it's so confused because the question is so hard! But when I try, I got it! In that quiz, i got 6/10.

Bye Mr.Perico!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Perico, it is a good website and I like it. I wish you could teach us how to make a website like that.
