Monday, September 24, 2007

Our 2nd Unit of Inquiry

As I've mentioned earlier in class, we are now moving on to another unit entitled GOVERNMENT. We haven't really moved away from the first unit 'Rights and Responsibilities' since this is closely connected to the Unit of Inquiry on 'Government'.

For your information, details on this unit are provided below;

Organizing theme: How we organize ourselves
Title: Government
Focus: History, Society

Central Idea: Over time, societies have developed a variety of governmental systems with the aim of benefiting and protecting the interests of its citizens.

An Inquiry into:
• Different models of government and their origins
• Systems within government
• Rights and responsibilities of citizens
• How governments change

Knowing the central idea and lines of inquiry in this unit will help you study in advance. Your exploration may be more in-depth depending on your individual research since you are encouraged to do a lot of reading and research in this unit.

For your resources, you may refer to my folder in this URL or through this link;

This is an online bank for websites bookmarked or websites kept in folders for easy access. Remember, you cannot memorize all websites or URLs so you have to bookmark them. One way of doing it is trhough the ikeepbookmarks. Visit my folder on 'Political systems' and there you can see recommended websites for kids. Try to be an agent and a detective by joining the CIA and FBI's pool of agents.

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