Saturday, December 1, 2007

Weekend Homework

Great Saturday Eagles!  Here's your weekend task.  Visit the link below and type in your reflections.  You should have your GMAIL account (gmail e-mail) for you to be able to participate in the 'Online Collaboration'.  If you don't have an e-mail (gmail), you cannot participate in the collaboration so you can only view the document.  This tool will help us work online and see each other's work in a single document.  Try to experiment on the use of this and I'm sure when everyone knows how to use it, it will be a great tool for learning.  This is a new feature in google and I'm exploring its use for us to improve learning in the classroom. 

If you have a problem accessing this link, e-mail me immediately through this e-mail address. 
a.  Update your online bloggers (checking will be on Monday)
b. Reading count


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico

Mr.Perico, why I did not have a comment in my g-mail
and how do I type in the Unit Activity on poetry?


pierre_pineda said...

You have to send me your gmail or e-mail address. I need to invite you first as a collaborator before you can participate in the discussion. send your e-mail to