Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Websites for your reference in researching the 7 continents

Suggested resources for the continuation of your task:

- You need to create a fact file for the 7 continents (Population, land area, countries, etc.), including interesting facts about them.
- Bring this to class tomorrow for the activity on Geography.  Remember to write the information in your Unit of Inquiry notebook for editing, revising and organization of information collected.  Your work will be assessed based on the completeness and accuracy of information, summarized information or information written in your own words, organizational framework used (headings and sub-headings), etc. 
- Include the sources of information in your research;  title of books, URL or website address, etc.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Homework_January 21, 2008

For today's homework, I want you to collect articles, magazines, and books about Batam and Riau.  You may also bring some 'Geography' books for us to look at.  In addition, collect some old pictures of Batam and Riau from your parents or relatives.  We will use these to track changes and developments in the province over time. 
You are also expected to do your journals tonight.  Visit one of your classmate's blogger and leave a comment on their post.  We will make our reflections on this tomorrow.
Have a great day!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekend Homework

Hello there dearest eagles!!!!
Sorry for the delay of this posting since my internet switch was hit by the lightning the other day and guess what.....   my ethernet switch and modem were burned.  It was unfortunate that I have to call '147' again for technical assistance and run to the nearest computer service center to purchase what I need and replace the roasted modem. 
Anyway, as I've mentioned yesterday in our class, read something about 'Geography.'  Focus on 'Physical Features of the Earth' so you need to find out more about the following;
  • Valleys
  • Plateaus
  • Mountains
  • Plains
  • Hills
  • Loess
  • Glaciers

  • In our next unit of inquiry (4th), we will be inquiring about lots of interesting concepts under this organizing theme:   Where we are in Time and Place
    Under this organizing theme, we will have the opportunity to be engaged in a n inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys;

    discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

    Unit Title : Our Province

    Central Idea:

    Human settlements develop over time due to past events, the movement of people, resources, situations and geographical location.


    An Inquiry into:

    ·          Our province's location and geography  (We will be focusing on the province of Riau to discover more about the place where we live in)

    ·          Our province's resources and development

    ·          How our province has changed over time
    In this unit, there will be a lot of research opportunities.  I have lined up interesting learning engagements for us so I expect you to have background reading on the topic mentioned above before coming to class on Monday.  I've listed some resources below for your reference.  You may also visit the websites in my ikeepbookmarks ( under the folder:  'Our Community'.  You may look for other websites to be used in this unit and send them through my e-mail.  Remember to choose or evaluate the websites you recommend.
    Suggested resources for the homework task;
    (Dowload Google Earth in your computer and you'll have an instant tour of the Earth.  You may visit any place on Earth which you want so long as you have this downloaded.  It takes time but it's worth it once you have it installed)
    Note:  Leave your comment for questions ...... 

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Poem Analyzed in Class

    Walter De La Mare
    Slowly, silently, now the moon
    Walks the night in her silver shoon;
    This way, and that, she peers, and sees
    Silver fruit uopn silver trees;
    One by one the casements catch
    Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
    Couched in his kennel, like a log,
    With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
    From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
    Of doves in silver-feathered sleep;
    A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
    With silver claws, and silver eye;
    And moveless fish in the water gleam,
    By silver reeds in a silver stream.
    *  Can you see in your mind the scene the poet describes?
    *  Try and imagine the same scene by the light of the sun.
    Rewrite the poem, beginning;
    Slowly, silently, now the sun
    Walks the day as his work gets done;
    This way, and that, he peers and sees.....
    (Remember that you are referring to the sun this time.  Remember also that the sun was referred to as a HE, unlike the moon described as a SHE.  What does the sun do?  Look at the pattern, style and literary devises used in the poem and decide what to do with your new creation.  Goodluck!)

    Friday, January 11, 2008

    Sample Profile of a Poet and Math Resource Link

    Be informed that the sample profile of a poet will be sent to your gmail since it contains many information and will use a lot of space in our blogger. 


    Wednesday, January 9, 2008

    Poetry Research

    A. Learning Goal:- Find out more about poets and share the information.
    - Identify what is distinctive about a particular poet.
    - Analyse the text and organizational features of a text.

    B. Success Criteria:- Refer to the rubric we use in class for this task.

    C. Task:

    Task A

    Choose a significant poet, including both modern and some of the classical poets. Take the challenge to find out about them. Research from non-fiction books, reference books and on the internet. Make notes to record what you find out. You will be sharing this information with the rest of the class.

    Remember to post your data in our online document at Google Docs. Your deadline for entry is today.

    Task B

    Research at least 3 poems written by the poet you have investigated. Read the poems well and collect information about:

    Themes - Are there particular themes the poet likes to write about?

    Form - Does the poet use the same form all the time? (e.g. rhyme and rhythm, blank verse, free verse, haiku, etc.)

    Style - What is the poet’s style? Is it consistent? What changes?`

    Personal Reaction - Would you recommend this poet and his poetry to others? Why? Give evidence of your response.

    You will analyse these poems in your research booklet so it is expected that you print them out for our poem analysis task on Friday, January 11 '08. For your homework, just submit the 3 poems tomorrow. We will analyse the poems in class.