Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Poetry Research

A. Learning Goal:- Find out more about poets and share the information.
- Identify what is distinctive about a particular poet.
- Analyse the text and organizational features of a text.

B. Success Criteria:- Refer to the rubric we use in class for this task.

C. Task:

Task A

Choose a significant poet, including both modern and some of the classical poets. Take the challenge to find out about them. Research from non-fiction books, reference books and on the internet. Make notes to record what you find out. You will be sharing this information with the rest of the class.

Remember to post your data in our online document at Google Docs. Your deadline for entry is today.

Task B

Research at least 3 poems written by the poet you have investigated. Read the poems well and collect information about:

Themes - Are there particular themes the poet likes to write about?

Form - Does the poet use the same form all the time? (e.g. rhyme and rhythm, blank verse, free verse, haiku, etc.)

Style - What is the poet’s style? Is it consistent? What changes?`

Personal Reaction - Would you recommend this poet and his poetry to others? Why? Give evidence of your response.

You will analyse these poems in your research booklet so it is expected that you print them out for our poem analysis task on Friday, January 11 '08. For your homework, just submit the 3 poems tomorrow. We will analyse the poems in class.


Anonymous said...

Dear MR.Perico,

I've read the task B and I will print my poets.But I've send to your gmail to print the poets that I've been send to you gmail,so I don't need to print the poetry research.........


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

I've Read the task B and when I read the task B I was confused with the meaning.....................


pierre_pineda said...


For task B, all you need to do for the homework is collect 3 poems written by your poet.

We will be doing the analysis of these poems in class.

Come to class tomorrow with the 3 poems printed out.

Have a great day...

Mr. Perico

Cassandra Stephanie said...

Mr.Perico ,

I've already read task b that you said but should I print the poet profile not you ???? but I printed the poetry already so I'm done.!
