Friday, January 11, 2008

Sample Profile of a Poet and Math Resource Link

Be informed that the sample profile of a poet will be sent to your gmail since it contains many information and will use a lot of space in our blogger. 



Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

I've play the games of the ratio and proportion and when I play the games it was so fun and I play the addition and subtraction games it was nice too.............I was so happy to play the games..............


Anonymous said...


I had already go to that website and I went to that website every day so I could also learn about Ratio. Thx for that website.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico
I've played the games and it was so fun to play...........
Oh I forgot 1 thing can you please put some website in your blogger so we can play some games like ayo dance and the website is and we can play some many dance games in there...............

Date:18 January 2008