Saturday, September 29, 2007

Busy Eagles' Weekend Homework

Hi there Eagles!  For your task this weekend, come up with at least 5 student questions regarding our unit on 'Government'.  Use your ideas from the mind map and make sure you use these key concepts in coming up with your own questions;
a.  Connection
b.  Change
c.  Responsibility
d.  Function
Focus your questions on these 4 key concepts and really think of interesting questions to research about in this unit.  These questions will surely drive the inquiry if they are well-thought of, interesting and meaningful.  You may write your questions on a paperline and pass it on Monday.  If possible, write the key concept beside your question. 
In addition to this, start browsing resources for the unit on 'Government'.  Each student shall recommend or suggest 1 website for students to visit and get information from.  We will evaluate the usefulness of the websites and include them in our website bank if they are really good for this unit's use.  Where will you write the URL or website you've found?  Paste it with your comment in this post.  Use the search engines I have suggested.  They are in the right column of this page (,,,, etc.)  Do not limit your browsing to google and yahoo only.
In English, you need to find at least 3 written advertisements from any source (Magazines, newspaper, brochures, etc.).  These advertisements should not only have graphics or illustrations but also words, phrases, sentences or even paragraphs that we can analyze in our unit on 'Writing to Inform'.  Remember that we need to study the features of advertisements before we can start writing our own information report.  This will be in addition to our analysis of the information report on 'Written Communication'.  Pass the 3 advertisements on Monday. 

Goodluck to all of you and see you all on Monday!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Perico I made 5 questions about our unit "Government"

- Who change the government?
- Why government must be changed?
- What responsibiity for the government?
- What is the government function?
- What is the connection of the government to the city?

Date: 29 September 2007
By: Kennedy
Time: 10:35

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Perico,
This is the question!
- Why the Government must change?
- What is the responsibilty for the child?
- Who make the function for the Government?
- What is connection?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico
I wrote as many questions as I can and I think very deep!!! See you on Monday guys!!! From: Vincent

-Why does government change???
-What is the function of government system???
-What is the connection of government and citizen???
-What are the responsibilities of government towards the city???
-What are the government responsibilities towards the citizen???
-What is the function of government and citizens in the city???
-What are the government responsibilities to protect the city from anything happens???
-What are government responsibilities to protect the citizens from anything happen???
-How does government form???
-Why do citizen choose government???
-Why governments form future???
-How does the government function???

Rizqi said...

Dear Mr. Perico

This is 1 website connected to government.

Cassandra Stephanie said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

This is my question about "Government"

>Who must change the government?
>What is government is it a person/a system that i say?
>What is the right for government?
>What should they do if their's a trouble in the citizens?

Date:30 September 2007

pierre_pineda said...

Hi Eagles! If you've read the instructions given for this task, you'll notice that I gave directions for the submission of questions (To be done on paper and to be passed on Monday). I also provided a note saying 'write the key concept beside your question' for example:

What are the responsibilities of citizens towards the government? Responsibility

I typed responsibility beside my questions because it's a responsibility question.

Furthermmore, all you have to post here is the website you've found. Rizqi did that and I appreciate his effort in reading instructions carefully.

You still have a day to complete your online task. Make sure you come to class tomorrow with a fresh start!!!!!!!!!!

Hazell said...

Dear Mr.Perico
This is my question:

-Who change government?
-Who give responsibilities to government?
-What is the function of government?
-Why government have to connect to the citizen?

Hendro said...

Dear Mr.Perico
This is my question:

What situation change government?

What is the government responsibilities toward the community?

What is the government best function?

What is the government connection toward the cityzen and community?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico
- What is function of Government?
- why Government change?
- what is the connection of Government to the people?
-what is Government risponsibility to the people?

mirai said...

Dear Mr.Perico
- What is function of Government?
- why Government change?
- what is the connection of Government to the people?
-what is Government responsibility to the people?

Rizqi said...


Dear Mr. Perico

These are my questions!

What is the function of government and the criminality of the justice system?

Why is there governmental responsibility?

Can government change?

Why is there local government connection?

What is roles of the state and federal government?

Hendro said...

Dear Mr.Perico
I find this website really useful for our unit:

Anonymous said...

Dear MR.Perico Cute Pineda Cool I found this website called

Unknown said...

Mr. Perico, sorry about the wrong thing I do, and I find out the website about our unit "Government".
The website is

By: Kennedy
Time: 2:07pm
Date: 1 October 2007

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Perico,
This is my website on the unit of "Government" is:

Vincent said...

dear Mr.Perico
This is my resource

Eugene said...

Mr.Perico,this is the website I

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

I found one website that maybe connected to our unit 'Government'

angela said...


This is the website that i found.

thank you that you want to try my website.

Cassandra Stephanie said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

This is the website that I found....

Irene Jurnali said...

Dear Mr Perico,
I've found an advertistment It was,:
It was about drugs and acohol.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico

I found out this website:


Ari said...

Dear Mr.Perico

I found 2 resources that can help The Eagles.

Anonymous said...

Alvianto berkata ....

Dear Mr. Perico

This is my question about the government :
- Why the government protect us?
- Who change the govenment?
- What happen the govenment in 200 years ago?
- Why the govenment many rights?
- What the govenment do?

Date : 1th October 2007
By : Alvianto

budiman said...

Dear Mr.Perico

I found out this website:


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Perico

I found out this website:


Mirai said...

Dear Mr.Perico Cute
I have 1 website.

Mirai said...

Dear Mr.Perico Cute
I have 1 website about government:

Hafizh4p p13 said...

Dear Mr.perico,

This are my questions:

- What Goverment responsibilities to the poeple?
-Who support the Goverment?
-Why Goverment protect the country?
-What will happen if Goverment made mistake to people and who will jastice?

thank you very much
from Hafizh
Date:1 october 2007

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Perico I have find the website connected to our unit "Government", the website is

Nest said...

Dear Mr.Perico

This is 1 website that connect to our unit 'government'

http://www.Home and Community/index.htm