Monday, September 24, 2007

Trivia: Guess what!

Can anyone tell me what this picture is all about? This building is very popular to many people in various parts of the world.


Hendro said...

Dear Mr.Perico
Sorry, I don't know the name of that building.

Hendro said...

Dear Mr.Perico
Sorry, I don't know the name of the building.

pierre_pineda said...

Here's your clue:

It's one of the most famous buildings in the world. It's also a where a great leader lives.

Want to try more?

pierre_pineda said...

Correction on my first statement:

I mean 'It's also a place where a great leader lives with his family and staff'.

Unknown said...

Dear Mr.Perico I suggest that drawing is a place for the government.

angela said...


I the most famous buildings in the world is germany and the great leader lives is the government.

Cassandra Stephanie said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

I suggest that is like a white house were president lives,family and staffs.

Cassandra Stephanie said...

Dear Mr.Perico,

I think it's the White House were president live,family and staff.

Rizqi said...

Name: Rizqi
Dear Mr. Perico,

It is the White House in America were the president named: George W. Bush and her wife: Laura Bushk and the assistants live there.

pierre_pineda said...

Cassandra and Rizqi, you've got it right! Well-done!

Do you have extra information about the White House? It's pretty interesting to research about it. I've read from the Reader's Digest that the Executive Chef in the White House is actually a Filipino. According to the Washington, she's the First Female Executive Chef in the White house. You may see the complete article using this URL;

When I was a child, I've been interested in finding out about world's leaders. The White House interested me because it's the talk of the towm when I was in high school. Since it's connected to our unit, it's worth researching about. Who knows, you'll be one of the staff in the White House someday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it was the white house.

Anonymous said...

Dear MR.Perico Cute Pineda Cool
I think it is important because it is where government meet.

Eugene said...

Mr.Perico,this building is the famous White House.

Sallyna said...

Dear Mr.Perico

Government also can have a live for your fammily