Sunday, October 7, 2007

Holiday Online Tasks

Here's a fun way to spend your holiday even if you are in Argentina, Tokyo, Disneyland, Hollywood, Bangkok, China or the Bahamas. Go online and choose your favorite topics in Math and English. Visit this site for interactive games and learning engagements.

You won't get bored because they are 'INTERACTIVE' and 'FUN'. I tried some of the math games and they're cool. It's specifically for grade 4 so it suits your level well. Try as much as you could and you'll see your improvement in English and Math. Try to practice at least 2 hours a day if you are not really busy. Above all, find time to go swimming, play basketball or anything that helps you make your body strong. Just leave me a comment here if you have questions.


Cassandra Stephanie said...

Hello Mr.Perico

I had founded something in there their's a grammar for praticing to know how to pratice that grammar.

I had found many words their likes for example their's a words say I forgot but I review it later.

Eugene said...

Hi Mr.Perico!
I tried that website yesterday and it is fun!But,the game I like most is Genious Boxing.
I can use some famous scientists like Bill Gates.

Unknown said...

Mr. Perico, my favorite game in
math is Cash Out, and my favorite game in engish is Word Jungle.

Time:2:19 pm
Date:October 10, 2007

Hendro said...

Hi! Mr.Perico

It is fun when I open Good and Well, I can answer the questions correctly but some is a little hard to me and I make some mistakes there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Perico

My favorite topic in english is right and risponsibilities in math I like multiplacation.


Rizqi said...

Hello Mr. Perico,

I find out that this website is cool for kids. My favorite game in Math is Cash out, And in English is Fearless Frieda- Skillful Skateboarding on Spelling.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr.Perico,

my favorite game in spelling is Fearless Frieda and my favorite game in time is Analog Clock Flashcard.

From : Abigail

Vincent said...


I like the word jungle and in math I like Cash out

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.perico

My favorite game in
English is world jungel.I also like In maths

From: Alvianto