Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekend Homework

Hello there dearest eagles!!!!
Sorry for the delay of this posting since my internet switch was hit by the lightning the other day and guess what.....   my ethernet switch and modem were burned.  It was unfortunate that I have to call '147' again for technical assistance and run to the nearest computer service center to purchase what I need and replace the roasted modem. 
Anyway, as I've mentioned yesterday in our class, read something about 'Geography.'  Focus on 'Physical Features of the Earth' so you need to find out more about the following;
  • Valleys
  • Plateaus
  • Mountains
  • Plains
  • Hills
  • Loess
  • Glaciers

  • In our next unit of inquiry (4th), we will be inquiring about lots of interesting concepts under this organizing theme:   Where we are in Time and Place
    Under this organizing theme, we will have the opportunity to be engaged in a n inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys;

    discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

    Unit Title : Our Province

    Central Idea:

    Human settlements develop over time due to past events, the movement of people, resources, situations and geographical location.


    An Inquiry into:

    ·          Our province's location and geography  (We will be focusing on the province of Riau to discover more about the place where we live in)

    ·          Our province's resources and development

    ·          How our province has changed over time
    In this unit, there will be a lot of research opportunities.  I have lined up interesting learning engagements for us so I expect you to have background reading on the topic mentioned above before coming to class on Monday.  I've listed some resources below for your reference.  You may also visit the websites in my ikeepbookmarks ( under the folder:  'Our Community'.  You may look for other websites to be used in this unit and send them through my e-mail.  Remember to choose or evaluate the websites you recommend.
    Suggested resources for the homework task;
    (Dowload Google Earth in your computer and you'll have an instant tour of the Earth.  You may visit any place on Earth which you want so long as you have this downloaded.  It takes time but it's worth it once you have it installed)
    Note:  Leave your comment for questions ...... 


    Eugene said...

    Mr. Perico, do we have to start the unit tomorrow or next week and should we disscuss about our reading in the class?

    pierre_pineda said...

    The 4th unit will start tomorrow. You will be using your reading in our first task.

    Anonymous said...

    Dear Mr. Perico
    I have install the google earth. It is nice. Thank You for telling us.
    Your Truly,